Research Article

Information Transmission Probability and Cache Management Method in Opportunistic Networks

Algorithm 1

Information Transmission Probability and Cache Management (ITPCM) algorithm.
Algorithm: Information Cache Management and Transmission
Input: node , node , cache , cache
Output: message List, probability
Create meeting list
While node and node meet
If (node . is TargetNode())
   send message to node;
   Else if (!node .isTargetNode() and !cache is full() and ! cache . isfull())
    According to evaluate and message importance news;
  Copy message from cache to node
  End else if
End if
  If (!node .isfull())
    If ()
    Then transfer cache .getMessage() to cache
  End if
  Else if (!node .isTargetNode() and node .isfull())
      then set location is node .selectCooperationNodeSet()
         broadcast some location of message to location.isNeighborNode()
      cache .deleteBroadcastMessage()
      If (location.isEmpty())
      Then cache .deleteSomeMessage()
      When node meet node of transfer message
  End else if
End if
   If (!cache .isfull())
  Probability = node .meetMessageTargetNode()
  Probability = node .meetMessageTargetNode()
   End if
    If ()
      Transfer cache .getMessage() to cache
     cache . deleteTransferMessage()
     Output Message
End If