Research Article

FMonE: A Flexible Monitoring Solution at the Edge

Table 3

Available InPlugins. Their responsibility is to extract metrics from different components.

TypePlugin parameters Description

HostNoneCPU, memory, disk and network metrics of the machine hosting the container. In the case of UNIX, they are extracted from the /proc directory

DockerNoneCPU, memory, disk and network metrics of the container itself. These are extracted from the /var/run/docker.sock that streams, among other things, stats about the containers.

RabbitMQmq_machine_in: The RabbitMQ server to connect toIt extracts metrics that have been previously published by other FMonE agents to a RabbitMQ server with a routing key
routing_key_in: The routing key from which we want to read the messagesā€‰

Kafkakafka_bootstrap_in: The Kafka bootstrap server to connect toIt extracts metrics that have been previously published by other Fmone agents to a Kafka topic. The user can choose this messaging service over RabbitMQ when the amount of metrics needs a more scalable solution
kafka_topic_in: The topic from which we want to read the messagesā€‰