Research Article

Data Traffic Offload from Mobile to Wi-Fi Networks: Behavioural Patterns of Smartphone Users

Table 7

Independent variables that emerged as significant from multidimensional analysis.

Independent variable identification and descriptionLevels of independent variables (answers to survey questions)

Earning income0: No
1: Yes

Quantity (GB) of mobile Internet included in price plan0: <1 GB
1: 1-2 GB
2: 2-3 GB
3: >3 GB
4: I do not know

Is the quantity of GB mobile internet included in the price plan sufficient?0: Never
1: Sometimes
2: Always

Wi-Fi access at home/house?0: No
1: Yes

Application updating0: Exclusively Wi-Fi
1: Both mobile and Wi-Fi
2: Exclusively mobile

Application setting to “use only on Wi-Fi networks”0: Never
1: Sometimes
2: Always