Research Article

A Multivariant Stream Analysis Approach to Detect and Mitigate DDoS Attacks in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

Algorithm 3

Input: Network Trace Nt.
Output: Null.
Step 1. Start
Step 2. Read Network Trace Nt.
Step 3. Rule set Rs = Preprocessing(Nt)
Step 4. Receive incoming packet .
Step 5. Compute multi-attribute stream weight MASW.
Step 6. For each rule Ri from Rule set Rs
Step 7. Compute similarity measure MASM =
Step 8. If MASM < MASW && MASM<>Ri.Features
Step 9. Classify True
Step 10. Else
Step 11. Classify malicious
Step 12. End
Step 13. End
Step 14. Stop.