Research Article

Road Traffic Monitoring System Based on Mobile Devices and Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons

Algorithm 4

Events_recognition function.
1Input: Aggregates
2Output: New_events
3create table New_events with columns time, event_type
4Times:= Select time from Aggregates
5for each t in Times do
7votes:= empty array
8for each classifier in ensemble
10[a, b]:= classifier_range
11data:= Select min_a_1, max_a_1,..., min_b_n, max_b_n
12from Aggregates where time = t
13event_type:= classifier(data)
14votes[event_type]:= votes[event_type] + classifier_weight
16event_type:= arg max (votes[event_type])
17Insert t, event_type into New_events