Research Article

A Novel Dynamic Link Connectivity Strategy Using Hello Messaging for Maintaining Link Stability in MANETs

Table 5

List of notations.

Parameter Description

Inter-arrival time for uniform speed of the network nodes
,Constant terms involved for calculating the energy utilized by a node
Maximum cardinality of a node with MDRs and BMDRs
Initial CH selection probability
CH selection probability
Transition probability from disconnection to the connection state
Transition probability from connection to the disconnection state
DDistance between the CH and an ordinary node
Distance between the CH and an ordinary node at next time step of the Markov process
Time gap between transmissions of periodic Hello messages
Maximum energy of a node
Current residual energy of a node
RSS threshold
Maximum number of nodes inside the cluster for calculating the average minimum power
kTotal number of nodes in the network region
Transmission rate of Hello messages
1Transmission rate of Hello messages by the transmitting antenna
Reception rate of Hello messages by the receiving antenna
Transition rate for the connection state
Transition rate for the disconnection state
Number of trials or repetitions of the random experiment for link connectivity.
(n)Current time step of the Markov process
(n+1)Next time step of the Markov process
CH angle with reference to the origin
Transition probability matrix at steady state
Link probability
Probability of disconnectivity
Probability that currently the process is in the connection state given it was in the disconnection state previously
Probability of a successful Hello message reception by a neighboring node, given the minimum RSS
Minimum achieved RSS for AMP
Total number of nodes inside the cluster
Noise level involved in calculation of SNR
Received power by a node
Transmit power by CH
Number of CHs at current time step of the Markov process
Critical transmission range of a network node
Transmission range of the cluster
Speed of CH
Speed of ordinary node
Inter-arrival time between transmissions of the consecutive Hello messages
Maximum number of Hello messages transmission retries for link connectivity
Angle of the CH with an ordinary node
Angle of an ordinary node with the origin of cluster
Position of the CH
X-axis position of the CH
X-axis position of the ordinary node
xInfinitesimal generator of the Markov chain
Position of the ordinary node
Y-axis position of the CH
Y-axis position of the ordinary node