Research Article

A Blockchain-Based Contractual Routing Protocol for the Internet of Things Using Smart Contracts

Table 2

Simulation parameter values.

TypeParameter NameValue

1SRoute_Request_Bond (RRB) (tokens)100
2SRoute_Request_Expiry (RRE) (sec)800
3IRoute_Offer_Bond (ROB) (tokens)10
4IRoute_Offer_Validity (ROV) (sec)650
5IRoute_Request_Bond (tokens)10
6IRoute_Request_Expiry (sec)150
7S,IBlacklist_Timer (sec)300
9-simulation period (sec)3600

S: Source IoT Device.
I: Intermediary IoT Device.
: As shown in line 1, the value for RRB in an original smart contract is 100 tokens. When an intermediary IoT device receives an original smart contract, it sets the RRB value of its own intermediary smart contract to the value of RRB value of the received original smart contract minus , as . This trend continues for next intermediary smart contract; that is, if the previous contract is an intermediary smart contract, the RRB value would be .
: As shown in line 2, the value for RRE in an original smart contract is 800 seconds. When an intermediary IoT device receives an original smart contract, it sets the RRE value of its own intermediary smart contract to the value of RRE value of the received original smart contract minus , as . This trend continues for next intermediary smart contract; that is, if the previous contract is an intermediary smart contract, the RRE value would be .