Research Article

Predicting Short-Term Electricity Demand by Combining the Advantages of ARMA and XGBoost in Fog Computing Environment

Algorithm 1

Prototype-based K-means clustering algorithm.
Input: Historical electricity consumption records R
Output: the group division of enterprise users ClusterSet(Poweri)
  (1) / the historical total electricity consumption of each /
    FOR To length(useri)
      SumPoweri = 0
      FOR To length(Record_datej)
        SumPoweri = SumPoweri + ;
  (2) / the clustering algorithm (K-means) to cluster all the objects and then choose k =
    1 to cluster all the samples into a cluster and find the centroid of the /
      ClusterCenter = Kmeans (SumPoweri)
    OUTPUT: ClusterCenter
  (3) / the relative /
    INPUT: ClusterCenter,
    FOR To length(useri)
      MedianDistancei = median(AbsoluteDistancei)
      RelativeDistancei = AbsoluteDistancei/MedianDistancei
  (4) Make discrete point relative distance error figure and roughly determine the range of k
    accord to the relative distance
  (5) /-means algorithm to do clustering for enterprises, and get the groups of enterprises
    according to the result of /
    INPUT: , k
      ClusterSet(useri) = Kmeans(useri)
    OUTPUT: ClusterSet(useri)