Research Article

Predicting Short-Term Electricity Demand by Combining the Advantages of ARMA and XGBoost in Fog Computing Environment

Table 5


Feature numberFeature nameFeature Description

F0dowDay of the week, integer, between 0 and 6
F1domDay of the month, integer, between 1 and 31
F2doyDay of the year, integer, between 0 and 365
F3woyWeek of the year, integer, between 1 and 52
F4moyMonth of the year, integer, between 1 and 12
F5weekendWhether the day is a weekend, 0 for weekdays,
and 1 for weekends
F6holidayWhether the day is a holiday, 0 is a holiday,
1 is not a holiday
F7daydisThe distance between this day and the first day
F8mondisThe distance between this month and the first month
F9maxtThe highest temperature
F10mintThe lowest temperature
F11seasonSeason of the year, integer, between 1 and 4