Research Article

A Security Situation Prediction Algorithm Based on HMM in Mobile Network

Algorithm 1

The extraction of alarm stream.
Input: alarm data, α, β
Output: triple <signature, srcIP, dstIP>
(1) Record the number N of all alarms
(2) Foreach signature in Snort
(3) alarms generated by signature are written in set A;
(4) record the number n of alarms in set A;
(5) If ()
(6) all the srcIPs and dstIPs in A respectively construct set S and set D;
(7) Foreach srcIP in S
(8) If (the ratio of srcIP > β)
(9) Return <signature, srcIP, any>
(10) Endfor
(11) Foreach dstIP in D
(12) If (the ratio of dstIP > β)
(13) Return <signature,any, srcIP>
(14) Endfor
(15) endif
(16) Endfor