Research Article

Using NearestGraph QoS Prediction Method for Service Recommendation in the Cloud

Algorithm 2

NearestGraph algorithm for .
Input:  usrG: service nearest neighbor graph; : user-service matrix
Output:  : prediction order for service-based CF
 1: =;
 2: for each 0, serG.vertices  do  add property serWeight, serIndegree to a graph serG=(serID,serEdge)
 3:  serGserWeight given by Eq.(7);
 4:  serGserIndegrees given by serG.inDegrees;
 5: end for
 6: repeat
 7:  select serID from serG.vertices where serG.vertices.Weight.max in select from serG.vertices where
 8:  .append(serID);
 9:  serGserIndegrees given by serG.inDegrees;
 10: until  serG.vertices.count is 0