Research Article

A Context-Aware Location Differential Perturbation Scheme for Privacy-Aware Users in Mobile Environment

Algorithm 2

Hilbert value generation algorithm for each base cell.
Input: the T obtained from Algorithm 1, starting point and curve orientation θ
Output: a updated quad-tree root node T
initializes S(T) = , θ(T)= θ, m = 0;
push T into the stack;
while (stack is not empty) do
N = pop the top element from the stack
if (N has child node) then
for (i= sw, se, ne, nw) do
set S(Ni), and θ(Ni)
push Ni into the stack
end for
= m
set the values of all corresponding POIs in the node N as m
m = m + 1
end if
end while
outputs the updated quad-tree root node T.