Research Article

An Efficient Security System for Mobile Data Monitoring

Algorithm 1

Annealing evolution algorithm.
(1) Initialize the
(2) FOR each generation DO
(3)  FOR each individual DO
(4)   calculate the fitness
(6)  IF , THEN
(7)   find the optimal set-partition.
(8)   return
(9)  ENDIF
(10)   calculate
(11)  IF , THEN
(12)   calculate
(13)   crossover operation with probability
(14)   mutation operation with probability
(15)  ELSE
(16)   crossover operation with probability
(17)   mutation operation with probability
(18)  ENDIF
(19)  generate next population
(20)  IF , THEN
(21)   switch as new
(22)   annealing, , t = 0
(23)   IF
(24)    stop and return set-partition.
(25)   ENDIF
(26)   GOTO 2
(27)  ENDIF