Research Article

A Secure Data Dissemination in a DHT-Based Routing Paradigm for Wireless Ad Hoc Network

Table 1

Important terms related to DHT-based secure routing in WANETs.


ANAnchor node(AN) stores the mapping information of other nodes with respect to its LSP
LIDLogical identifier of a node
LSLogical identifier space of node
LSPLS portion of a node
UIDUniversal identifier of a node
Tuple of node i in -axis
Tuple of node i in -axis
Tuple of node i in -axis
LS portion of node i in positive -axis
LS portion of node i in negative -axis
LS portion of node i in positive -axis
LS portion of node i in negative -axis
LS portion of node i in positive -axis
LS portion of node i in negative -axis
, , Three tuples of node k in -, -, and -axis
Joining node m assigned weight to its neighbor node k
Joining node m assigned weight to its neighbor node k
1-hop logical neighbors of a node
User signature
PIPersonal identity of node
PbKThe public key of node
IPIP address of node
PrKThe private key of node
ICIdentity card of node
CCertificate of node
Neighbor list: a list containing LIDs of neighboring node and neighbors of the neighboring nodes
SDSum of difference
LSDLeast sum of difference
, , Three tuples of hashed value or destination’s LID
, , Three tuples of neighbor LID
Hash value
SIISource index information