Research Article

Avoiding Spurious Retransmission over Flooding-Based Routing Protocol for Underwater Sensor Networks

Algorithm 1. Path distinction-based information update and ACWT calculation.

1:receivenew ACK(ACKrecv)
2:decide ⟵true
3:for i=0; i < Numpath; i++ do
4:  if PS(TSpath[i], TSrecv) > PSthreshthen
5:   decide ⟵ false, updateRTTpath[i]
6:  end if
7:end for
8:if (decide) then
9:  NumpathNumpath +1, TSpath [Numpath]⟵TSrecv
10:end if
11:for i=0; i< Numpath; i++ do
12:end for
13:for i=0; i< Numpath; i++ do
14:  ifU (i) > Uthreshthen
15:     ACKi +1
16:  end if
17:end for
18: for i=0; i< ACKmax; i++ do
19:  calculateTack,and updateACWTwithRTTpath[i]
20:end for
Algorithm 1. Path distinction-based information update and ACWT calculation.