Research Article

The Lyapunov Optimization for Two-Tier Hierarchical-Based MAC in Cloud Robotics

Algorithm 1

GA algorithm.
Input: size of the population T, maximum generation G, crossover probability pc, mutation probability pm.
1 Initialization
2 Randomly initialize sets T of optimization’s variables as the initial population with constrains C2 and C3’
3 Coding into by function , i.e.,
4 Whiledo
5 Calculate the individual fitness according
6 Calculate the selection probability
7 Save the best fitness and the corresponding individual
8 If, then
9 Return
10 End
11 Selection: randomly choose T chromosomes as a new population by Roulette Wheel selection
12 Crossover: for every two pair of individuals in , take multi-point crossover at every gene position with probability
13 Mutation: for every individual in , take binary-reverse at every gene position with the probability
16 End
17 Return