Research Article

Augmentation of Contextualized Concatenated Word Representation and Dilated Convolution Neural Network for Sentiment Analysis

Table 1

Selected keywords for data selection and gathering.

PeriodFiltered keywords

September 2020 to March 2021#corona, #coronavirus, #first wave of Coronavirus, #firstwaveofCoronavirus, #pandemic, pandemic, #epidemic, epidemic, #handsanitizer, #covid, #covid19, #sarscov2, #ncov2019,#2019-ncov, #vaccination trials
#lockdown, #quarantine, #Socialdistance, #Social Distance, #flattencurve, #flatteningcurve #working from home, #workfromhome, #second wave of Coronavirus, #secondwave of coronavirus, #huge number of deaths, #deadly virus, #deadly wave, #againlock down #n95, #K95, #N95, #k95, #Govt Polices on Covid, #Govt relied on Covid.
#Covid Vaccine, #Covid Vaccination, #Pfizer, #Astrazenca, #Astra Zeneca, #side effects of vaccinations, #price of vaccination # availability of Pfizer, #chinese vaccine #sinopharm
#new variant of Covid, #third wave # third wave of covid #more mutation #Moremutation, # relaxation in lockdown, #immunity in covid, #vaccination started