Review Article

A Survey of IoT Stream Query Execution Latency Optimization within Edge and Cloud

Table 1

Categorization of query processing techniques within the context of their execution models.

Query processing techniquesYearQuery execution models
CentralizedGeo-distributed query processingDistributedEdge-query processing
Cloud-query ProcessingEdge-cloud query processing

Iridium [4]2015
Clarinet [10]2016
SpanEdge [1]2016
IncApprox [41]2016
StreamApprox [42]2017
Sana [5]2018
SAQL [43]2018
AWStream [6]2018
Tetrium [7]2018
Sajjad et al. [15]2018
Amarasinghe et al. [3]2018
QueryGuard [39]2018
ApproxIoT [17]2018
CalculIoT [18]2019
WASP [8]2020
Oh et al. [9]2020
Dautov and Distefano [40]2020
Fossel [19]2020