Research Article

How Government Regulations and Consumer Behavior Influence Manufacturers’ Product Green Degree Decision-Making: An Agent-Based Model

Table 1

The parameters and variables’ initial value in the model.


Number of consumers30,000Constant
Number of manufacturers40Constant
Green degree of manufacturer ’s product[0, 100]The initial value follows a uniform distribution
Standard for manufacturers’ product entering the market.30Constant
Green degree requirement for subsidy application70Constant
Government sampling rate0.3Constant
Government’s penalty coefficient2000Constant
Government’s cost subsidy coefficient0.5Constant
Government’s price subsidy coefficient0.08Constant
The other quality of manufacturer ’s product[20, 100]The initial value follows a uniform distribution
Environmental awareness[0.5, 2]Uniform distribution
Consumer’s price-sensitive parameters[1, 20]Uniform distribution
Consumer’s green degree sensitive parameters[0.4, 0.6]Uniform distribution
Consumer’s other quality sensitive parameters[0.4, 0.6]Uniform distribution
Consumer’s purchasing power (55, 15)Normal distribution
Regression coefficient of purchasing power0.75Constant
Consumers’ cost coefficient of product green degree and the other quality1.5Constant
Consumer’s fixed expectation of product green degree and the other quality-13.54Constant
Consumer’s sensitivity parameter to his friends’ influence(0, 1.5)Uniform distribution
Regular unit cost of manufacture[3, 10]Uniform distribution
The cost coefficient associating with the green degree 0.03Constant
The cost coefficient associating with the other quality0.03Constant
Manufacture’s profit margins[0.1, 0.3]Uniform distribution
Random number[0, 1]Uniform distribution
Manufacture’s leaning ability of green degree[0.1, 0.5]Uniform distribution
Manufacture’s leaning ability of the other quality[0.1, 0.5]Uniform distribution
Distance threshold15Constant