Research Article

[Retracted] Enhancement of Predicting Students Performance Model Using Ensemble Approaches and Educational Data Mining Techniques

Table 1

Models, approaches, and methods that are used to predict a student’s performance.


1Support vector machine[1316]In base feature space, it is well suited for nonlinearly separable data.Classification necessitates a large amount of memory, as well as a high level of complexity.
2Decision tree[15, 17]It is simple to put in place, understand, and use.Because a slight change in the data can result in a different decision tree, the time required for searching is significant.
3Regression[15, 16, 18, 19]Perform better when dealing with continuous attributes and linearly separable data.Outliners have an effect on the data; hence, it is not suitable for nonlinearly separable data (overfitting).
4-nearest neighbor[14, 1922]Work well with nonlinearly separable classes and perform well in multimodal classes.The extra time required for determining the nearest neighbor in a large training dataset.
5Naïve Bayes[1820, 23]Improve categorical input variable outcomes and multiclass prediction performance.When dealing with little amounts of data, the algorithm’s precision suffers.
6Neural network[15, 18, 19, 24]No retraining is required because it learns events; it is applicable to real-world issues, and there are few parameters to alter, making it simple to use.Large networks necessitate a long processing time, and determining how many neurons and layers are necessary is difficult.