Research Article

[Retracted] Influencing Factors of Microlecture on the Teaching Effect of Ideological and Political Courses in Colleges

Table 1

Questionnaire scale.

Latent variablesObserved variablesReferences

Single topic (ST)a1: I like the single topic of ideological and political knowledge learning method.Zhao and Yang [4]; Cui [31]; Zhao and Zhan [32]
a2: the single topic of the microlecture reduced my study pressure.
a3: the single topic of the microlecture facilitates me to retrieve related ideological and political knowledge.

Easy to learn (EtL)b1: the learning method of microlecture makes it easier for me to understand ideological and political knowledge.Wang and Fan [30]; Liu [34]; Lai and Pan [35]
b2: I think the introduce microlecture into ideological and political teaching has made our study more interesting.
b3: I think the teacher’s lectures in microlecture are more vivid and interesting.

Convenient to share (CtS)c1: in my opinion, the fast-spreading speed of microlecture helps me to get in touch with more ideological and political knowledge.Zhou et al. [36]; Du [37]
c2: I think it is convenient for me to share microlecture, which is conducive to my timely acquisition of relevant ideological and political knowledge.
c3: in my opinion, the sharing of microlecture is convenient, which is conducive to my repeated learning of relevant ideological and political knowledge.

Real-time interaction (RTI)d1: I often make comments on the ideological and political content in the microlecture.Duan [38]; Lu [39]
d2: in my opinion, commenting on the ideological and political content in microlecture is conducive to the interaction between teachers and students.
d3: in my opinion, microlecture provides a very good online platform for the interaction of ideological and political teaching.

Teaching effect of IaPC in colleges (TE)h1: I think teachers can make full use of microlecture to improve the teaching effect.Wen and Zhang [8]; Min [9]
h2: I was more active in the microlecture.
h3: I hope teachers can often teach IaPC in the way of microlecture.