Research Article

Cloudroid Swarm: A QoS-Aware Framework for Multirobot Cooperation Offloading

Algorithm 2

QoS-aware link capacity adjustment algorithm.
Input: Collection of robots using the same wireless access to offload:
   Load value of channels at every timestamp:
   Global control parameter:
Output: The offloading strategy and capacity value of channels at the next timestamp:
1: for each time interval do
2:  Choose the cooperation offloading strategy
3:  while The task is not completed do
4:    Sliding-window Algorithm
5:   if Inequality (5) is True then
6:    Choose the cooperation offloading strategy
7:   else
8:    Choose the local computing strategy
9:   end if
10:   if Cooperation Offloading then
11:    for each do
15:    end for
16:   end if
18:  end while
19: end for