Research Article

On Constructing -Spanner in IoT under SINR

Algorithm 1

1: Initialize the stretch factor ;
2: Initialize ;
3: Compute the number of nodes in its proximity region, i.e., ;
4: Initialize ;
5: Initialize for ;
6: for to time-slots do
7: Send a message containing its ID and coordinates with probability , and remains listening with probability ;
8: while receiving a message from some node do
9:   the index of the sector to which belongs;
10:  if or the distance then
12   end if
13:    end while
14: end for
15: ;
16: for to do
17:  ifthen
18:  ;
19:  end if
20: end for
21: ;
22: for to time-slots do
23: Broadcast the incoming neighbor set with probability ;
24: while receiving a message from some node do
25:  if is the incoming neighbor of and then
26:   ;
27:  end if
28: end while
29: end for