Research Article

A Transaction Trade-Off Utility Function Approach for Predicting the End-Price of Online Auctions in IoT

Algorithm 1: The proposed TTUP algorithm

Inputs: auction training dataset , testing dataset , the total number of clusters
Outputs: classifying accuracy, KNeighborsRegressor model
Training Stage:
(1) For ; ++;
(2) {
(3)  transaction trade-off utility distance between any two auction items can be calculated by Equation (3)
(4)  classifying the training dataset into clusters
(5)  For ; ++;
(6)  {
(7)   get transaction trade-off utility of each cluster
(8)   get regression prediction price model for each cluster
(9)   }
(10) }
Test Stage:
(11) For ; ++;
(12) {
(13)   If (the transaction trade-off utility distance between test data and cluster )
(14)   test data belongs to cluster
(15)   Apply KNeighborsRegressor() to classify and forecast
(16)   Obtain the classification accuracy
(17)   Obtain RMSE
(18) }
Algorithm 1: The proposed TTUP algorithm