Research Article

Research on the Application of Visual SLAM in Embedded GPU

Algorithm 1

Optimization of Gaussian pyramid construction and feature detection algorithm processes.
Input: An image Im, Gaussian pyramid layers levelNum
Output: A set of feature points of the first layer image
1 Image is transferred to the GPU memory
2 cudaMemCopyHostToDevice(Im);
3 Construct Gaussian pyramid of the image on GPU
4 for i 0 to levelNum
5  d_ Ip[i] gpuBuildScalePyramid(Im);
6 end
7 Calculate the feature points of the first layer image
8 gpuFeatureDetect(d_Ip[0]);
9 Pt[0][0…Nt1] gpuGetFeaturePoint();
10 Synchronize the instructions of constructing Gaussian pyramid
11 synchronization();
Note: The beginning of d refers to the data allocated in the video memory, Nt1 is the temporary number of feature points