Research Article

Multidomain Fusion Data Privacy Security Framework

Algorithm 1

Constraint inference for unattributed histogram.
Input: [i]: the noise frequency;
Output: : the constraint inference frequency
1 define listB, array[i], flag=flase, start =0, end=0, sum=0, avg=0;
2 for // Line2-13 Judgment whether is a order query sequence
3 if i=0
4  listB ; //add the to listB
5 else
6  listB ;
7   if
8   if flag = false;
9    start = i-1;
10     end = i;
11     flag =!flag;
12    else
13    End = i;
14 Handle(); //The recursive method of the order inference
15 end for
16 Handle() // Lines16-26 the order inference
17 for i∈[start,end]
18  sum=sum+listB.get(i);
19 end for
20 avg = sum/(end – start +1);
21 for i∈[start,end]
22  listB.set(i,avg);
23 end for
24 if start >=1 && listB.get(start-1)>avg;
25  start = start – 1;
26  Handle();
27 ;
28 return the constraint inference frequency ;