Research Article

Multidomain Fusion Data Privacy Security Framework

Algorithm 3

Group reconstruction.
Input: the constraint inference frequency, L[i]: the original histogram frequency;
Output:the grouping reconstruction result;
1 define an array DV[i] to store ;
2 define the SS, SSEr, SSEl store the error between the grouped histogram and the original histogram;
3 define avgR, avgL, avg store the average of the group histogram;
4 for i∈[0,k]  // Lines 4-6 calculate the absolute value of the difference between adjacent numbers;
5 Dv[i]=abs(]-);
6 end for
7 ;  // Calculate the average frequency when all buckets are combined into a group;
8 calculate the SSE after merging a group;
9 for each i in Dv[i]   // Line 9-28 Group reconstruction based on SSE
10 if (sum(DV[i]));  // group terminal condition;
11  break;
12 else
13  mid = getMaxId();  // get the max DV location value
14  DV[mid]=-1;
15  left getLeft(mid);   // get the left boundary according to the max DV
16  right getRighr(mid); // get the right boundary according to the max DV
17  flag[mid]=true;
18  for i∈[left, mid]
19   avgR = ;
20   SSEr = (L[i]-avgR)2;
21  end for
22  for i∈[mid+1,right];
23   avgL = ;
24   SSEl = (L[i]-avgL)2;
25  end for
26  SSE[i] SSEr+SSEl;
27  record the result of the current grouping reconstruction;
28 end for
29 sort(SSE[i]) and select the minimum SSE;
30 return the grouping reconstruction of the minimum SSE