Research Article

Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction with Sentence Selection and Interaction Representation

Table 5

Some examples of semantic similarity in the NYT corpus.

RelationSentenceWords with cosine similarity

/Business/company/foundersThat issue inspired a young subscriber named Bill Gates, who later founded Microsoft, to begin programming for the computer.Founded (0.655194)
/Location/country/capitalI eventually fly from Nairobi to Dubai to Asmara, the capital of Eritrea.Capital (1.0)
/People/person/religionFazlur Rahman, a brilliant and deeply religious Pakistani scholar of Islam, had to flee his native land for the University of Chicago.Religious (0.832861)
/Location/neighborhood/neighborhood_ofLast year, pacific retirement services, a nonprofit organization based in Medford, ore., began construction on the Mirabella, a continuing-care community in the South Lake Union neighborhood of Seattle.Neighborhood (1.0)
/Business/company/foundersBill Gates, Microsoft’s chairman, contend that the bullish case for Microsoft stock is compellingChairman (0.597136)
/Location/location/containsCampbell was Williams’s hometown friend from their childhood in Wellington, New Zealand.From (0.277430)