Research Article

List Scheduling Algorithm Based on Virtual Scheduling Length Table in Heterogeneous Computing System

Algorithm 1

Pseudo-code of BVSL algorithm.
Input: Workflow G(T,E); a set Q of P heterogeneous
Output: Schedule={, , , }
1. Execute the pre-scheduling PPTS algorithm
2. Calculate the PRLT using pre-scheduling results for all tasks
3. Create an Empty List ready-list and put as the initial task
4. While ready-list is not empty do
5. Compute the EST, VSLT and for all ready-list tasks
6. ⟵ the task with the highest from ready-list
7. For each processor in the processor set P do
8. Compute the value using the insertion-based scheduling policy
9. Compute
10. End for
11. Assign task to the processor that minimize
12. of task
13. Update ready-list
14. End while
15. If scheduling results are worse than pre-scheduling results
16. Return pre-scheduling results
17. else
18. Return scheduling results
19. End if