Research Article

A Hybrid Deep Neural Network for Electricity Theft Detection Using Intelligent Antenna-Based Smart Meters

Algorithm 1.

Pseudocode of PSO.
1: Initialization
2: for each particle i =1,…,Np, do.
3: (a) Initialize the particle’s position using uniform distribution as and U(LB, UB) where UB and LB represent the upper bound and lower bound of the search space, respectively.
 (b) Initialize pbest to its initial position:pbest(i,0) = pi(0)
5: (c) Initialize gbest to the minimal value of the swarm.
:gbest(0) = pi(0).
6: (d) Initialize Velocity: Vi U(—UB-LB—),—UB-LB—
7: end for.
8: Repeat until the Termination Criteria Is Met
9: for each particle i =1,…,NP, do.
10: (a) Pick random numbers: r1,r2 U(0,1).
11: (b) Update the particle’s velocity. See Equation (16).
12: end for.
13: if f[pi(t)] < f[pbest(i,t)], then.
14: Update the best Known Position of Particle I: Pbest(I,T) = pi(T)
15: if f[pi(t)] < f[gbest(t)], then.
16: Update the swarm’s best Known Position: Gbest(T) = pi(T)
17: end if.
18: end if.
19: Output gbest(t) that holds the best found solution.
20: End.