Research Article

EtherFuzz: Mutation Fuzzing Smart Contracts for TOD Vulnerability Detection

Table 1

Mutation operations.

Mutation operationsDetail

singleFlipBit, twoFlipBit, and fourFlipBitFlip a randomly selected
1/2/4 consecutive bits
singleFlipByte, twoFlipByte, and fourFlipByteFlip a randomly selected
1/2/4 consecutive bytes
singleIncrease, twoIncrease, and fourIncreaseIncrease a random selected
1/2/4 bytes by a constant
singleSubstitute, twoSubstitute, and fourSubstituteReplace randomly selected 1/2/4 bytes with special constants
overwriteWithDictionaryReplace a value at random with a constant from the smart contract
overwriteWithAddressDictionaryReplace the address and balance in the test data with the randomly generated address and balance