Research Article

An Android Malware Detection Leveraging Machine Learning

Algorithm 1

Pseudocode of the selection features.
1. Being
2. Create array of action from apk_ api.
3. Create array,it have malware permissions which are used by applications.
4. Read the File dynamic and Static analysis.
5. For X in range Files
6. Path File _Dynamic= files [dynamic _json_ file_ path][x]
7. Path File _Static= files [static _ json_ file_path][x]
8. open path file_ dynamic
9. dynamic_feature= load data
10. open path file_ static
11. static_feature= load data
12. Insert [id = dynamic_feature,
13. port = dynamic_feature,
14. Ip=dynamic_feature,
15. If dynamic features.get(action)==action[i]
16. action =dynamic _features,
17. If static features.get(permission)==permission[i]
18. permission=static _feature
19. end