Research Article

Online Missing Data Imputation Using Virtual Temporal Neighbor in Wireless Sensor Networks

Algorithm 2

VTN imputation algorithm.
 Input: input data matrix (), node , sensor , ,
Output: input data matrix ()
if there exists a new data in IDM then
(28) U
(29) V
(30) vtn
(31) Get the new data from IDM by v_index
(32) Call Calculation of VTN
(34) if then
(35)  Add c_index into imputation_index
(36) end if
(37) if then
(38)  for each element in do
(39)   if then
(40)    Add into imputation_index
(41)   end if
(42)  end for
(43) end if
(44) if then
(45)  Sort imputation_index by increasing index
(46)   for each element j in imputation_index do
(47)    for each k in 1: j do
(48)     if then
(49)      Add into
(50)    end if
(51)    end for
(52)    sort by increasing order of
(55)     high
(56)    if then
(58)       else if high
(59)     high
(60)    end if
(63)    for each element m in PAST_VTNM_CANDADATE do
(66)    end for
(67)    sort by increasing order of CHANGE_RATE_DIST
(68)    Remove imputing value from
(71)    Construct the estimation equation using PAST_VTNM_CANDADATE and IDM_CANDIDATE to
(72)    regress the coefficients
(73)    Compute using and
(75)   end for
(76)  end if
(77) end if
(78)return IDM