Research Article

An Information-Centric Network Caching Method Based on Popularity Rating and Topology Weighting

Algorithm 2

The packet of data processing for this strategy.
Input:Node Received Data packet
Output: Processing status
1: if not in PIT then
2: Discard the
3: return FAIL
4:  else
5: ifthen
6:    ifis Filled then
7:  Execute LFU policy within current rank,delete content in
8: Insert into
9: end if
10:   else ifthen
11:   Execute LFU policy within current rank,delete content in
12:   else ifthen
13:     Insert into in probability according to equation (4)
14:   elseifthen
15:     continue
16:   Forward according to FIB
17:    return SUCCESS
18: end if
19:   end if