Review Article

Fake News Detection Techniques on Social Media: A Survey

Table 3

Datasets for detecting fake news based on news domain.

Item/entityNo. of datasetsList of datasets

Technology6“Yelp, EMERGENCY, Burfoot satire blog, FNC-1, CNN/daily news summary dataset, tam et al.”.
Politics17“PHEME, BuzzFace, LIAR, fact-checking, FakeNewsNet, Benjamin political news, Burfoot satirical news, BuzzFeed news, FNC-1 Spanish disinformation, is the news real or fake? TW info, TSHP-17, Qprop, NELA-GT-2018, NELA-GT-2018, CNN/daily mail summarization dataset, tam et al. dataset”.
Economy3CNN/daily news summary dataset, Burfoot satire news, Spanish fake news
Society16“PHEME, CREDBANK, BuzzFace, fact-checking, FEVER, EMERGENCY, FakeNewsNet, Burfoot satire news, MisInfoText, FNC-1, Spanish false news, FCV-2018, verification corpus datasets from CNN/daily mail summary and Zheng et al.”.
Science3“Tam et al.’s datasets, FacebookHoax, Spanish false news”
Security1Spanish fake news
Health2“Spanish fake news, CNN/daily mail summarization dataset”
Tourism1Ott et al.’s
Sport2“Spanish fake news, CNN/daily mail summarization dataset”
Education1“Spanish fake news”