Research Article

Local Epochs Inefficiency Caused by Device Heterogeneity in Federated Learning

Table 5

Layer features in the dense layer.


BatchsizeThe size of a batch.
Dim_inputThe dimension of input.
Dim_outputThe dimension of output.
Opt_SGDWhether to use SGD optimizer, 0: not use 1: use.
Opt_AdadeltaWhether to use Adadelta optimizer, 0: not use 1: use.
Opt_AdagradWhether to use Adagrad optimizer, 0: not use 1: use.
Opt_MomentumWhether to use momentum optimizer, 0: not use 1: use.
Opt_AdamWhether to use Adam optimizer, 0: not use 1: use.
Opt_RMSPropWhether to use RMSProp optimizer, 0: not use 1: use.
Act_reluWhether to use ReLu activation, 0: not use 1: use.
Act_tanhWhether to use tanh activation, 0: not use 1: use.
Act_sigmoidWhether to use sigmoid activation, 0: not use 1: use.