Research Article

Efficient Key Management Mechanism with Trusted Gateways for Wireless Mesh Networks

Algorithm 1

Mesh router () authentication request message reachability.
/* Initial mesh routervalidation*/
//intput: Gateway nodes(G<-{g1,g2,g3,g4…….gn},
//Routers(R<-{{}, {},……{}),),
//Authentication Request Message ARQ=
//Authentication Tables and router and gateway nodes public and private key pairs
flag=0 //Invalid or fake request packet
Mesh router () sends a request () to
decryptswith its public key ()
if (&router )
sends a signed messagetowhere={, ,},
does not send a reply message to
  /* Deployingin the backbone mesh*/
   generates its own public and private key pair (, )
    broadcasts a=and sets=
            //is packet send/receive time
received byextract=from theusing
(k=i) //neighboring router
    stores router& rebroadcasts
() //neighboring router
    flag =1
     stores router id & forwardsto
  ()//neighboring gateway
      flag =1
// neighboring gateway=
       createsusing received
      flag =1 // initial flag value set to zero
    stores the public key and drops
      creates a signed
      Forwards signedtothrough disjoint paths ()
disseminates routerandto gateway nodes and its group members for updating their
      dropswithout reply message