Research Article

Certificate-Based Signature Scheme for Industrial Internet of Things Using Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography

Table 1

Symbols used in the proposed scheme.


1Master secret key of CA which is picked from hyperelliptic curve finite field
2Master public key of CA which is the combination of and
3Devisor of hyperelliptic curve
4 and These are two hash functions of a same nature and with same properties
5It is the selected security parameter from hyperelliptic curve
6It is a finite number with range of 80 bits
7It show certificate of sender
8It show certificate of receiver
9It show the public key of sender
10It show the public key of receiver
11It show the private key of sender
12It show the private key of receiver
13It show the identity of sender
14It show the identity of receiver
15A symbol used to represent type 1 adversary
16A symbol used to represent type 2 adversary
17The symbol of a facilitator for type 1 and type 2 adversaries