Research Article

Exploiting Machine Learning to Detect Malicious Nodes in Intelligent Sensor-Based Systems Using Blockchain

Algorithm 3

Detection of malicious nodes with classification by GA-DT.
1 load dataset;
2 split the data 70% = testing and 30% = training;
3 initialize hyperparameters (Maximum Depth, Minimum Sample Leaf, Minimum Sample Split, Criterion);
4 GA:Maximum Depth, Minimum Sample Leaf, Minimum Sample Split, Criterion;
5 initialize population
6 (generation,populationsize,offspringsize);
7 perform tuning of hyperparameters;
8 perform selection;
9 perform crossover;
10 perform mutation;
⊳Decision Tree is DT
11 train DT on selected parameters;
12 DT saves the model;
13 DT tests the model;
14 DT loads the model;