Research Article

Recovering Latent Data Flow from Business Process Model Automatically

Algorithm 1

Generating driver-engine program automatically.
Input: BPMN , Hashmap ,Graph ,Muti-Tree ,JavaFile
Output: RunningLog
1: .Deployment().FindSequence()//Deploy the BPMN file to get the process order
2: while.ReadLine() do
3:   .AddInformation(temp.FindID)
4:   if ContainStaticData() then
5:     AddDataflow(.EtxractDataflow())
6:   end if
7:   if.JudgeGateway() then
8:     Add(GatewayInformation)
9:   end if
10: end while
11: forTraverseAll() do
12:   .Add
13:   WriteFile(Engine.RunAPI(), )
14: end for
15: if Engine.HasUserTask() then
16:   WriteFile(Engine.CompleteAPI(), )//Complete human tasks
17: end if
18: WriteFile(FixedCode, )//Write the fixed template code to the Java file
19: RUN()//Run the Java file