Research Article

Data Mining Techniques to Analyze the Impact of Social Media on Academic Performance of High School Students

Table 1

Features of student dataset and their categories.

AttributeDescriptionCategory of features

SexGenderDemographical features
AgeAge of the student
AddressAddress of student
HealthHealth of the student
Living areaUrban and rural area
Romantic statusInterest in romance
MeduMother educationParticipation of parents on the whole learning process
FeduFather education
Mother_jobMother job
Father_jobFather job
Study timeStudy timeAcademic background features
Desire_higher_eduDesire to receive higher education
Final gradeFinal grade of student (good, poor, fair)
Period1_scoreSubject 1 score
Period1_scoreSubject 2 score
Final-scoreFinal score of student on the basis of subject
FreetimeFree time spend by student
AbsencesAbsences of the students
FailuresFailures of student
TechnologyTechnology used by studentTechnological features