Research Article

Mobility-Aware Offloading and Resource Allocation Strategies in MEC Network Based on Game Theory

Algorithm 2

MAORAS algorithm scheme.
1: Initialization:
2: Mobile user set , MEC server set , offloading strategy , utility function , game model
3: End Initialization
4: Input:
5: For each user , do
6:  Calculate .
7: Calculate by Lagrange multiplier method.
8: if , then update
9: else
10:  if ,
11:   update
12:  else
13:   update
14:  end if
15: end if
16: End for
17: Output: Initialized offloading strategy .
18: Initialization: iteration
20: While do
21:  calculate ;
22:  if
23:   then update .
24:  else
25: End While
26: Output: Optimal computing resource allocation , and Nash equilibrium offloading strategy .