Research Article

Biomechanic and Energetic Effects of a Quasi-Passive Artificial Gastrocnemius on Transtibial Amputee Gait

Table 5

Affected-side knee flexion moment impulse in late stance flexion with the AG compared between the two walking conditions with the quasi-passive artificial gastrocnemius: the Baseline condition, where the artificial gastrocnemius acted as a free-joint at the knee, and the Active condition, where the AG was appropriately engaged as per the controller. The values were computed over the late stance knee flexion phase of the gait cycle.

moment impulse
moment impulse
Active Biological moment impulse
Total % change from BaselineBiological % change from Baseline

Subject 10.006 0.0040.009 0.0040.001 0.002+32−78
Subject 20.055 0.0180.056 0.0130.039 0.011+2−29