Research Article

A Full-Scale Field Study on Bearing Characteristics of Cast-in-Place Piles with Different Hole-Forming Methods in Loess Area

Table 2

Properties of the soil in the test area.

Soil layerBottom depth (m)Layer thickness (m)Soil nameColourSoil distributionfa0 (kPa)qik (kPa)

5.95.9LoessTawnyUniform soil12050
8.62.7PaleosolBrownish redBlocky structure17060

23.014.4LoessTawnyUniform soil24055
27.94.9PaleosolBrownish redAggregate structure27060

35.37.4Silty clayBrownish redUniform soil28065

fa0 is the bearing capacity of soil strata and qik is the friction resistance.