Research Article

Phenotypic and Cytogenetic Characterization of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in De Novo Myelodysplastic Syndromes

Figure 3

Proliferation pattern of MDS-MSCs. (a) Growth curves of mesenchymal stem cells isolated from MDS patients and control MSCs. (i) Comparison between control MSCs () and MDS-MSCs (). (ii) Comparison of growth between RCUD (), RCMD (), RAEB (), del(5q) (), and control MSCs. For each sample, cells in duplicate wells were harvested every 2 days at a regular time and the average was taken. Each data point represents the mean of each group ± SEM. For del(5q) (), each data point represents the mean cell number of two independent wells ± SE. (b) Mean population doubling time (PDT). (i) Mean PDT ± SE of control and MDS-MSCs. (ii) Mean PDT ± SE of control, RCUD, RCMD, RAEB, and del(5q). Mean PDT values were not significant between control and MDS-MSCs as well as among the patient subgroups ().