Research Article

Fertility Status of Acid Soils under Different Land Use Types in Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia

Table 1

Mean values (n = 108) of particle size distribution and texture class of different locations and land use types of study areas.

Sodo zuriaDamot gale
Land use typesParticle size distributionSilt/clay ratioTexture classParticle size distributionSilt/clay ratioTexture class
Sand %Clay %Silt %Sand %Clay %Silt %

Enest-coffee35a33a29a1.0Clay loam22a37a25a0.8Sandy clay loam
Crop land39b29b33b1.1Clay loam40b26b50b2.0Clay loam
Grazing land26c38c38c0.9Clay loam38c37a25a0.7Clay loam
CV (%)121211101310
LSD (0.05)78810139

Damot soreBoloso sore

Enest-coffee28a24a352.4Silt loam28a39a25a1.3Clay loam
Crop land41b39b330.8Clay loam36b26b46b1.8Loam
Grazing land31c37c320.8Clay loam36b35c29c0.8Clay loam
CV (%)101310.
LSD (0.05)537457

CV = coefficient of variation, LSD = least significant difference.