Advances in High Energy Physics

Very Heavy Quarks at the LHC

Publishing date
09 Nov 2012
Submission deadline
22 Jun 2012

1Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan

2Theoretical Physics Department, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, P. O. Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510, USA

3University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA

Very Heavy Quarks at the LHC


The ATLAS and CMS experiments have each collected ∼5 fb–1 data with the 7 TeV run of LHC in 2011. With the shutdown of the Tevatron, we have entered a new phase in our quest for the Terascale. However, there is no sign of “New Physics”: supersymmetry is in retreat, and physics beyond the Standard Model seem to lie above the TeV scale. The Higgs boson could still be light, but it could well be rather heavy, which would imply a strongly interacting electroweak sector.

It should be kept in mind that the LHC collides together quarks and gluons, hence it is the preeminent machine for the discovery of new very heavy quarks, which would complement charm, bottom, and top quarks, all discovered at hadronic machines. Although proclaimed to be “in deep trouble,” a sequential 4th quark generation, t′ and b′, is in fact vigorously being pursued at the LHC. The current limits are already at the unitarity bound. If such heavy quarks emerge, their strongly interacting nature could echo the strongly interacting weak sector. But a new question emerges: would the phenomenology, hence search strategy, change?

Also related to electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB), but in a different way, the so-called top partners could exist to compensate the quadratic correction to the Higgs mass due to the top quark. As such, their masses should not extend too far into the TeV range. Since the masses of such vector-like quarks do not arise from the Higgs mechanism, a chief signature is flavor changing neutral currents. Already, the CMS experiment has made a first search for T → tZ decays.

Besides the search for new heavy quarks, other aspects in relation to EWSB should be explored, such as nonperturbative treatments, co-relation with heavy Higgs, and whether the accompanying lepton sector could be probed at the LHC, as well as flavor physics.

The LHC would continue to take data in 2012, and after the 2013-2014 shutdown, resume with 14 TeV running. To both aid the search studies with 2011-2012 data, and to anticipate the 14 TeV future, it is useful to collect thoughts and efforts on the phenomenology as well as experimental knowledge. We invite authors to contribute original as well as review articles for a special dedicated volume along these lines. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Fourth generation (sequential chiral) quarks
  • Extra vector-like quarks
  • Flavor physics and extra heavy quarks
  • Heavy Higgs boson(s), electroweak symmetry breaking, and extra heavy quarks
  • Heavy lepton sector in LHC era

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Advances in High Energy Physics
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Acceptance rate13%
Submission to final decision118 days
Acceptance to publication22 days
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