Research Article

The Thermal Statistics of Quasi-Probabilities’ Analogs in Phase Space

Table 1

Critical temperatures for typical radio waves, with Kelvin per second.

Frequency ()Critical temperatures (°K)

Extremely low frequency (ELF) 3–30 Hz1.4397 –1.4397 
Super low frequency (SLF) 30–300 Hz 1.4397 –1.4397 
Ultra low frequency (ULF) 300–3000 Hz1.4397 –1.4397 
Very low frequency (VLF) 3–30 kHz1.4397 –1.4397 
Low frequency (LF) 30–300 kHz1.4397 –1.4397 
Medium frequency (MF) 300 KHz–3 MHz1.4397 –1.4397 
High frequency (HF) 3–30 MHz 1.4397 –1.4397 
Very high frequency (VHF) 30–300 MHz1.4397 –1.4397 
Ultra high frequency (UHF) 300 MHz–3 GHz1.4397 –1.4397 
Super high frequency (SHF) 3–30 GHz1.4397 –1.4397
Extremely high frequency (EHF) 30–300 GHz1.4397–14.397
Tremendously high frequency (THF) 300 GHz–3000 GHz 14.397–143.97