Research Article

Gas-Cooled Thorium Reactor with Fuel Block of the Unified Design

Table 4

Basic design parameters of the reactor.


Full thermal reactor power (MWt) 60
Neutrons flux density:
 Thermal (n/cm2/s)2.8 ⋅ 10−13
 Fast (n/cm2/s)4.8 ⋅ 10−13
Reactor geometrical parameters:
 Equivalent diameter of reactor core with reflector (m)3.1
 Height of reactor core with reflector (m)3.0
Reactor core geometrical parameters:
 Reactor core equivalent diameter (m)2.4
 Reactor core height (m)2.4
Fuel assembly type (fuel block of the unified design)2000Z2
Number of fuel assemblies in the reactor core (pcs)381
Fuel assembly geometrical parameters:
 Width across the flats (m)0.2
 Height (m)0.8
 Fuel pellets number (pcs)3120
 Heavy metal mass (kg)1.282
Fuel pellet geometrical parameters:
 Height (m)0.020
 Diameter (m)0.012
 Heavy metal mass (kg)0.411 ⋅ 10−3
Full starting core fuelling:
 Mass of Th (kg)244
 Mass of Pu (kg)244
Maximum reactivity margin (), %21.3
Full-power reactor operation time (days)510