Research Article

Estimation of Sand Production Rate Using Geomechanical and Hydromechanical Models

Table 1

Experimental data of Papamichos et al. [3].


Cylinder internal radius, [m]0.01
Cylinder external radius, [m]0.1
Cylinder height, [m]0.2
Internal pore pressure, [Mpa]0
External pore pressure, [Mpa]0.15
Inner radial stress, [Mpa]0
Outer radial stress, [Mpa]11
Flow rate, [l/min]0.5
Ratio 0.03
Young’s modulus, [MPa]6750
Poisson ratio, [—]0.19
Biot’s ratio, [—]1
Cohesion, [MPa]3.7
Friction angle,   [°]37.4
Initial porosity, [—]0.3
Permeability, [mD]500
Kozeny-Carman parameter, [m2]8.96E − 12
Solids density, [kg/m3]2640
Dynamic viscosity, [MPa·s]5E09